Civil and Industrial Architectonic planning, Interior Design

The study of Archica planning has carried out assignments for privately-owned companies of the province of Cagliari, between which we can number society and private studies let alone business activity them. Numerous the assignments also from Public Administration, soprattuto in the scholastic field. In particular the carried out assignments regard the fields:

  1. Residential building: pubblic, private;
  2. Industrail building;
  3. Scolastic building;
  4. Building trades them and hotel;
  5. Infrastructures and Works of urbanization: technological roads, nets;
  6. Civil engineering and industrial;
  7. System civilian and manutacturer;
  8. Reliefs orchestrate them, topography, cartography;
  9. Specialized Technical advising;
  10. Coordination Emergency D.Lgs. 81/2008
  11. Condomini
  12. Technical studies of planning